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Глава в книге, монографии
№ 121090800137-6 «Комплексные исследования современного состояния экосистемы Атлантического сектора Антарктики» (предыдущий номер АААА-А19-119100290162-0)
Записи 1 - 10 из 10
Bitiutskii D. G., Samyshev E. Z., Minkina N. I., Melnikov V. V., Chudinovskih E. S., Usachev S. I., Salyuk P. A., Serebrennikov A. N., Zuev O. A., Orlov A. M.
Distribution and Demography of Antarctic Krill and Salps in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean during Austral Summer 2021–2022 // Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic / Ed. E. Morozov. Basel, Switzerland : MDPI, 2023. P. 163-183. (Water. Special Issue Reprint). https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-8268-9
Запись создана: 08-08-2023 13:18
Churilova T. Y., Moiseeva N. A., Efimova T. V., Artemiev V. A., Skorokhod E. Y., Buchelnikov A. S.
Spectral Bio-optical Properties of Waters in the Bransfield Strait and Powell Basin // Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean: Oceanography and Ecology / Eds: E. G. Morozov, M. V Flint., V. A. Spiridonov. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. P. 217-228 (Advances in Polar Ecology ; vol. 6). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78927-5_16 WoS
Запись создана: 18-01-2022 12:26
Melnik A. V., Melnikov V. V., Melnik L. A., Mashukova O. V., Kapranov S. V.
Bioluminescence in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean Based on the Field Observations and Sounding Data // Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean: Oceanography and Ecology / Eds: E. G. Morozov, M. V Flint., V. A. Spiridonov. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. P. 307-320 (Advances in Polar Ecology ; vol. 6). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78927-5_22 WoS
Запись создана: 19-01-2022 13:53
Mirzoeva N., Polyakova T., Samyshev E., Churilova T., Mukhanov V., Melnik A., Proskurnin V., Sakhon E., Skorokhod E., Chuzhikova-Proskurnina O., Chudinovskih E., Minkina N., Moiseeva N., Melnikov V., Paraskiv A., Melnik L., Efimova T.
Current Assessment of Water Quality and Biota Characteristics of the Pelagic Ecosystem of the Atlantic Sector of Antarctica: The Multidisciplinary Studies by the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas // Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic / Ed. E. Morozov. Basel, Switzerland : MDPI, 2023. P. 131-150. (Water. Special Issue Reprint). https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-8268-9
Запись создана: 07-08-2023 16:43
Mukhanov V. S., Sakhon E. G., Polukhin A. A., Artemiev V. A.
Nanophytoplankton in the Bransfield Strait: Contribution of Cryptophyta to the Community Abundance and Biomass During Austral Summer // Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean: Oceanography and Ecology / Eds: E. G. Morozov, M. V Flint., V. A. Spiridonov. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. P. 261-276 (Advances in Polar Ecology ; vol. 6). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78927-5_20 WoS
Запись создана: 19-01-2022 14:18
Mukhanov V., Sakhon E., Polukhin A., Artemiev V., Morozov E., Tsai A.-Y.
Cryptophyte and Photosynthetic Picoeukaryote Abundances in the Bransfield Strait during Austral Summer // Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic / Ed. E. Morozov. Basel, Switzerland : MDPI, 2023. P. 203-217. (Water. Special Issue Reprint). https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-8268-9
Запись создана: 08-08-2023 13:32
Paraskiv A. A., Mirzoeva N. Yu., Tereshchenko N. N., Proskurnin V. Yu., Sidorov I. G., Arkhipova S. I., Morozov E. G.
Heavy Metals and Anthropogenic Radionuclides in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula // Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean: Oceanography and Ecology / Eds: E. G. Morozov, M. V Flint., V. A. Spiridonov. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. P. 433-455 (Advances in Polar Ecology ; vol. 6). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78927-5_29 WoS
Запись создана: 19-01-2022 14:42
Polyakova T. A., Gordeev I. I.
Parasites as an Inseparable Part of Antarctic and Subantarctic Marine Biodiversity // Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean: Oceanography and Ecology / Eds: E. G. Morozov, M. V Flint., V. A. Spiridonov. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. P. 321-354 (Advances in Polar Ecology ; vol. 6). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78927-5_23 WoS
Запись создана: 19-01-2022 14:58
Salyuk P. A., Glukhovets D. I., Mayor A. Y., Moiseeva N. A., Artemiev V. A., Khrapko A. N.
Phycoerythrin Pigment Distribution in the Upper Water Layer Across the Weddell-Scotia Confluence Zone and Drake Passage // Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean: Oceanography and Ecology / Eds: E. G. Morozov, M. V Flint., V. A. Spiridonov. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. P.251-259 (Advances in Polar Ecology ; vol. 6). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78927-5_19 WoS
Запись создана: 19-01-2022 15:23
Yakovenko V. A., Spiridonov V. A., Gorbatenko K. M., Shadrin N. V., Samyshev E. Z., Minkina N. I.
Macro- and Mesozooplankton in the Powell Basin (Antarctica): Species Composition and Distribution of Abundance and Biomass in February 2020 // Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean: Oceanography and Ecology / Eds: E. G. Morozov, M. V Flint., V. A. Spiridonov. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2021. P. 409-420 (Advances in Polar Ecology ; vol. 6). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78927-5_27 WoS
Запись создана: 18-01-2022 12:51