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Глава в книге, монографии

Distribution and Demography of Antarctic Krill and Salps in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean during Austral Summer 2021–2022

DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-8268-9
Язык Английский
Глава Distribution and Demography of Antarctic Krill and Salps in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean during Austral Summer 2021–2022
В книге/монографии Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic / Ed. E. Morozov. Basel, Switzerland : MDPI, 2023. P. 163-183. (Water. Special Issue Reprint)
  1. Bitiutskii D. G.
    Sector of the World Ocean, Azov-Black Sea Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (“AzNIIRKH”), 344002 Rostov-on-Don, Russia (ru)
  2. Самышев Э. З. (Samyshev E. Z.)
  3. Минкина Н. И. (Minkina N. I.)
  4. Мельников В. В. (Melnikov V. V.)
  5. Чудиновских Е. С. (Chudinovskih E. S.)
  6. Usachev S. I.
    Sector of the World Ocean, Azov-Black Sea Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (“AzNIIRKH”), 344002 Rostov-on-Don, Russia (ru)
  7. Salyuk P. A.
    V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, 690041 Vladivostok, Russia (ru)
  8. Serebrennikov A. N.
    Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 299011 Sevastopol, Russia (ru)
  9. Zuev O. A.
    Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117997 Moscow, Russia (ru)
  10. Orlov A. M.
    Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117997 Moscow, Russia (ru)
    Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology, Tomsk State University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia (ru)
Усл. п. л. / знаков* 2.39 / 95724
Абстракт The study aimed to investigate krill (Euphausia superba) and salp (Salpa thompsoni) populations in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in January and February 2022. Samples were obtained to measure the abundance, biomass and distribution patterns of krill and salp. Sex differences and feeding habits of the Antarctic krill were determined. The dependence of the physiological state of the studied aquatic organisms on changes in environmental parameters was analyzed. Current data on the association of the dynamics of hydrometeorological parameters and processes with the distribution of chlorophyll a, krill, and salp were obtained. It was established that, at numerous stations, the biomass of salps prevailed over krill. The result indicates the replacement of the Antarctic krill populations by gelatinous zooplankton. The obtained results allow assessment of the biological resource potential in the studied region based on the analysis of the samples collected.
Сведения о финансировании, указанные в публикации This study was conducted within the framework of the Russian state task No. FMWE-2022-0001 (IO RAS) “Assessment of the current state of natural complexes of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and their multi-period variability (ecosystems, bioproductivity, hydrophysics, hydro- and geochemistry” (A.M.O., O.A.Z.) and CTD data analysis were supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 22-77-10004 (O.A.Z.), State Assignment KarRC FMEN-2022-0006 (D.G.B.), No. 121090800137-6 “Comprehensive studies of the current state of the ecosystem of the Atlantic sector of Antarctica” (E.Z.S., E.S.C.), Comprehensive environmental studies of the Southern Ocean, No. 0211-2019-0007 (P.A.S), No. 121041400077-1 “Functional, metabolic and toxicological aspects of the existence of hydrobionts and their populations in biotopes with different physico-chemical regime” (N.I.M., V.V.M.) and No. 121122300074-7 “Fundamental research of processes in the climate system that determine the spatial and temporal variability of the natural environment on a global and regional scale” (A.N.S.).
* авторский печатный лист равен 40 000 печатных знаков (включая знаки препинания, цифры и пробелы между словами).

Запись создана: 08-08-2023 13:18
Последнее изменение: 08-08-2023 13:19

Библиографическая ссылка:
Bitiutskii D. G., Samyshev E. Z., Minkina N. I., Melnikov V. V., Chudinovskih E. S., Usachev S. I., Salyuk P. A., Serebrennikov A. N., Zuev O. A., Orlov A. M. Distribution and Demography of Antarctic Krill and Salps in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean during Austral Summer 2021–2022 // Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic / Ed. E. Morozov. Basel, Switzerland : MDPI, 2023. P. 163-183. (Water. Special Issue Reprint). https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-8268-9
Экспертное заключение: № б/н декабрь, 2022
Индексация на момент включения в базу:
Web of Science

В публикации указано госзадание:

№ 121041400077-1 «Функциональные, метаболические и токсикологические аспекты существования гидробионтов и их популяций в биотопах с различным физико-химическим режимом» (предыдущий номер АААА-А18-118021490093-4)
№ 121090800137-6 «Комплексные исследования современного состояния экосистемы Атлантического сектора Антарктики» (предыдущий номер АААА-А19-119100290162-0)