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Статья в периодическом издании

Notification of the first sighting of sand steenbras Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) and modern species diversity of the family Sparidae at the Georgian and Crimean Black Sea coasts

Язык Английский
Журнал Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment

ISSN: 1304-9550; Онлайн ISSN: –
Год 2017
Выходные данные Том: 23, Номер: 1, Страницы: 48-55
  1. Guchmanidze A.
    Fisheries and Black Sea Monitoring Center of National Environmental Agency, Batumi, Georgia (gs)
  2. Болтачев А. Р.
    Институт морских биологических исследований имени А. О. Ковалевского РАН
Даты Поступила в редакцию: 16.06.2016
Принята к публикации: 08.12.2016
Абстракт The results of ichthyological investigations on the species diversity of Sparidae family in the Black Sea coastal zone of Georgia and Crimean Peninsula in the last 15 years are presented. The first record of and steenbras Lithognathus mormyrus (Linneus, 1758), new for Georgian waters and rare for the Black Sea, is described in details. The increase in species diversity of the Sparidae family representatives is discussed, as well as the increase in the number of records and abundance of salema Sarpa salpa and seabream Sparus aurata near Caucasus (Georgia) and Crimea. It is concluded that this process is connected with natural penetration of new and rare species to the Black Sea from the Mediterranean Sea ("mediterranization"), and in the last years it can be connected with intensive cultivation of the Mediterranean seabreams in marine farms in Turkey.
Ключевые слова: First notification, mediterranization, species diversity, Georgia, Crimea
Сведения о финансировании, указанные в публикации
URL http://www.blackmeditjournal.org/pdf/4.23(1)%202017%20A%20Guchmanidze.pdf
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Запись создана: 31-12-2017 10:00
Последнее изменение: 28-01-2019 16:53

Библиографическая ссылка:
Guchmanidze A., Boltachev A. Notification of the first sighting of sand steenbras Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) and modern species diversity of the family Sparidae at the Georgian and Crimean Black Sea coasts // Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2017. Vol. 23, no. 1. P. 48-55.
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