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Число соавторов публикации - 3
Целевой показатель госзадания:
  • Рецензируемые научные статьи в периодических журналах, индексируемых в WEB of Science (WoS) - Q2 - Формула: 20/корень квадратный из Nавторов = 20/корень квадратный из 3 (1.7321) = 11.55
  • Рецензируемые научные статьи в периодических журналах, индексируемых в SCOPUS - Q2 - Формула: 10/корень квадратный из Nавторов = 10/корень квадратный из 3 (1.7321) = 5.77
Количество соавторов публикации - 3
Публикации в изданиях, индексируемых в Web of Science Core Collection: Q2, K=10
  • Шоман Н. Ю.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
    формула: K/(Nсоавторов*Nаффил) = 10/(3*1) = 3.333
  • Соломонова Е. С.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
    формула: K/(Nсоавторов*Nаффил) = 10/(3*1) = 3.333
  • Акимов А. И.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
    формула: K/(Nсоавторов*Nаффил) = 10/(3*1) = 3.333
Статья в периодическом издании

Combined effect of light and glyphosate herbicide on growth rate of marine diatom algae

WoS 2.700/Q2 SCOPUS 0.646/Q2
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s10646-024-02759-7
Язык Английский
Журнал Ecotoxicology

ISSN: 0963-9292; Онлайн ISSN: 1573-3017
Год 2024
Выходные данные
  1. Шоман Н. Ю. (Shoman N.)
  2. Соломонова Е. С. (Solomonova E.)
  3. Акимов А. И. (Akimov A.)
Даты Принята к публикации: 09.05.2024
Опубликована онлайн: 17.05.2024
Абстракт The effect of glyphosate herbicide at concentrations of 25, 100, 150 and 200 μg.L−1 on growth characteristics of diatoms C. caspia and T. weissflogii under accumulative growth conditions was investigated. Increasing herbicide concentration in the medium resulted in growth suppression of both species and decreased the final abundance of the cultures in the stationary growth phase. The calculated concentrations of herbicide EC10 and EC50 (10 and 90 μg.L−1 for C. caspia and 7 and 25 μg·L−1 for T. weissflogii, respectively) led to a 10 and 50% reduction in the abundance of the studied cultures relative to the control, are ecologically significant and correspond to the values recorded in aquatic areas. The combined effect of light (in the range of 20–250 µE.m−2.s−1) and glyphosate (calculated concentrations of EC10 and EC50) on the growth characteristics of microalgae was evaluated. An increase in algal sensitivity to light was observed with glyphosate exposure. In both species, the increase in the concentration of glyphosate in the medium led to a decrease in the initial angle of slope of the light curve of growth under conditions of light limitation, a reduction in the value of light saturation of growth, narrowing of the boundaries of the light optimum and an increase in the degree of light inhibition. It is shown that the effect of the combined action of light and glyphosate exceeds the sum of the effects of each factor. This fact should be taken into account in ecotoxicological monitoring when assessing the risks of glyphosate ingress into aquatic ecosystems. An increase in glyphosate concentration in water during periods with high values of solar insolation is potentially dangerous due to a decrease in the photosynthetic activity of algae and a reduction in diatom algae abundance.
Ключевые слова: microalgae, glyphosate herbicide, light intensity, specific growth rate
Сведения о финансировании, указанные в публикации This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant № 24-24-00269)
URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10646-024-02759-7
Дополнительные сведения ЦКП «Коллекция гидробионтов Мирового океана»: ...Pure cultures of the algae Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G.A. Fryxell & Hasle 1977 and Cyclotella caspia Grunow 1878, from the collection of marine planktonic microalgae in the 'Hydrobionts of the World Ocean' core facility (WDCM No. 1201) at the A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences served as the subject of the investigation.... (стр. 2)

ЦКП «Спектрометрия и хроматография»: ...Cytometric analysis of samples was carried out at the Spectrometry and Chromatography Collective Use Centre of the Federal Research Centre A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the Russian Academy of Sciences. ... (стр. 3)

Запись создана: 20-05-2024 13:56
Последнее изменение: 10-07-2024 10:53

Страница журнала в E-library
Библиографическая ссылка:
Shoman N., Solomonova E., Akimov A. Combined effect of light and glyphosate herbicide on growth rate of marine diatom algae // Ecotoxicology. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10646-024-02759-7 (Online first)
[WoS 2.700/Q2][SCOPUS 0.646/Q2]
Экспертное заключение: № 45, 2024
Индексация на момент включения в базу:
Web of Science
2.700/Q2 (2022)
0.646/Q2 (2023)
ЦКП Спектрометрия и хроматография
ЦКП Коллекция гидробионтов Мирового океана