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Дата внесения публикации в базу 17-11-2020 10:30 не попадает в период стимулирования 01-06-2023 – 31-05-2024
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Тезисы конференции

Phytoplankton adaptation strategies under the influence of climatic changes and anthropogenic pressure on the Black Sea coastal ecosystems on the example Sevastopol Bay

Язык Английский
Конференция 9th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro – ISEM9
Место проведения: Montenegro
Даты проведения: 4-5 November 2020
Год публикации 2020
Сборник 9th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro – ISEM9 : virtual conf. : book of abst. and progr., Montenegro, 4-5 Nov., 2020
Выходные данные Podgorica : Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology, 2020. P. 29
  1. Стельмах Л. В. (Stelmakh L.)
  2. Ковригина Н. П. (Kovrigina N.)
  3. Gorbunova T.
    Branch of the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems of RAS, Russian Federation ()
Абстракт Several paths of the Black Sea coastal waters phytoplankton community adaptation to changes in water temperature, nutrients concentration and anthropogenic pollution have been identified on the example of the Sevastopol Bay. Increase in water temperature and decrease in nutrients content in the studied waters in 2000 –2014 caused a gradual decrease in the chlorophyll "a" concentration, total phytoplankton biomass and its re-composition, predominantly in the summer and autumn periods. The phytoplankton restructuring was reflected, first of all, by a decrease in relative diatoms contribution in the total phytoplankton biomass and increase in dinoflagellates contribution. Among the dominant diatoms species, the proportion of resistant to high temperatures, pollution,low nitrate content in the water and microzooplankton grazing species was increasing. An increase in nitrate concentration in the studied waters in 2020 led to increase in total phytoplankton biomass in compare to 2014 and predominance such diatoms species, that under the stated conditions did not led to the bloom emergence, which were regularly observed earlier in the Sevastopol region.
Ключевые слова: phytoplankton, Black Sea, climatic changes, anthropogenic pressure
Сведения о финансировании, указанные в публикации
Дополнительные сведения

Запись создана: 17-11-2020 10:30
Последнее изменение: 26-11-2020 10:56

Библиографическая ссылка:
Stelmakh L., Kovrigina N., Gorbunova T. Phytoplankton adaptation strategies under the influence of climatic changes and anthropogenic pressure on the Black Sea coastal ecosystems on the example Sevastopol Bay // 9th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro – ISEM9 : virtual conf. : book of abst. and progr., Montenegro, 4-5 Nov., 2020. Podgorica : Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology, 2020. P. 29.
Экспертное заключение: № 348, 2020
Индексация на момент включения в базу:
Web of Science