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Дата внесения публикации в базу 19-10-2020 14:24 не попадает в период стимулирования 01-06-2023 – 31-05-2024
Количество соавторов публикации - 3
Публикации в изданиях, индексируемых в Web of Science Core Collection: Q3, K=5
  • Шадрин Н. В.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
    формула: K/(Nсоавторов*Nаффил) = 5/(3*1) = 1.667
  • Яковенко В. А.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
    формула: K/(Nсоавторов*Nаффил) = 5/(3*1) = 1.667
  • Ануфриева Е. В.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
    формула: K/(Nсоавторов*Nаффил) = 5/(3*1) = 1.667
Статья в периодическом издании

Behavior of Gammarus aequicauda (Crustacea, Amphipoda) during predation on Artemia (Crustacea, Anostraca): New experimental results

WoS 1.423/Q3 SCOPUS 0.681/Q2
DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/iroh.202002059
Язык Английский
Журнал International Review of Hydrobiology

ISSN: —; Онлайн ISSN: 1522-2632
Год 2020
Выходные данные Том: 105, Выпуск: 5-6, Страницы: 143-150
  1. Шадрин Н. В. (Shadrin N.)
  2. Яковенко В. А. (Yakovenko V.)
  3. Ануфриева Е. В. (Anufriieva E.)
Даты Поступила в редакцию: 25.04.2020
После доработки 29.05.2020
Принята к публикации: 02.06.2020
Опубликована онлайн: 29.06.2020
Опубликована: 16.10.2020
Абстракт Gammarus aequicauda and Artemia spp. are abundant crustacean species in Crimean hypersaline lakes. G. aequicauda preys on Artemia but there was no quantitative data on this before the current study. Predation of G. aequicauda on adult Artemia was studied in experiments with two different approaches evaluating (a) the time balance of the feeding process and (b) the grazing intensity. The threshold prey concentration, when consumption began to increase with increasing concentration, was approximately 15 ind./L in 200‐ml vessels and about 5 ind./L in 500‐ml vessels. When the Artemia abundance reached 20–25 ind./L, there was no further influence on the gammarid consumption rate. There was a significant negative correlation between the consumption rate of gammarids and Artemia abundance. According to study results, an individual G. aequicauda may eat up to 20–24 Artemia/day. Our study suggests that (a) G. aequicauda is an omnivorous species and can significantly suppress populations of its prey. (b) The two experimental approaches used to study the feeding of gammarids on Artemia produced similar results, and both may be used to quantitatively assess relations in a “prey–predator” system. (c) The abundance of predators and prey, as well as the experimental vessel volume, may influence the feeding rate. (d) The presence of plant food resources such as the leaves of Ruppia does not influence on the predatory feeding rate of G. aequicauda. (e) The rate of prey consumption by G. aequicauda is not constant and depends nonlinearly on prey and predator abundance. (f) Cannibalism occurs in the presence of plant resources only, but not in the presence of Artemia. (g) Other gammarids react to the capture of Artemia by one of them. They swim up to the successful individual and try to take some part of the prey.
Ключевые слова: Artemia, feeding behavior, Gammarus, hypersaline waters, prey–predator relations
Сведения о финансировании, указанные в публикации
URL https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/iroh.202002059
Дополнительные сведения

Запись создана: 19-10-2020 14:24
Последнее изменение: 19-10-2020 14:28

Страница журнала в E-library
Библиографическая ссылка:
Shadrin N., Yakovenko V., Anufriieva E. Behavior of Gammarus aequicauda (Crustacea, Amphipoda) during predation on Artemia (Crustacea, Anostraca): New experimental results // International Review of Hydrobiology. 2020. Vol. 105, iss. 5-6. P. 143-150. https://doi.org/10.1002/iroh.202002059
[WoS 1.423/Q3][SCOPUS 0.681/Q2]
Экспертное заключение: № 112, 2020
Индексация на момент включения в базу:
Web of Science
1.423/Q3 (2019)
0.681/Q2 (2019)

В публикации указано госзадание:

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