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Дата внесения публикации в базу 24-07-2020 07:36 не попадает в период стимулирования 01-06-2023 – 31-05-2024
Количество соавторов публикации - 1
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  • Шадрин Н. В.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
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Глава в книге, монографии

Hypersaline lakes as the Polyextreme habitats for life

Язык Английский
Глава Hypersaline lakes as the Polyextreme habitats for life
В книге/монографии Introduction to Salt Lake Sciences / Eds: M. Zheng, T. Deng, A. Oren. Beijin, China : Science Press, 2018. Pt. 4. P. 180-187
  1. Шадрин Н. В. (Shadrin N. V.)
Усл. п. л. / знаков* 0.42 / 16793
Абстракт Hypersaline water bodies (salinity >35 g/L) are widely found in every climatic zone on every continent including Antarctica. The climatic prerequisite of water body salinization and hypersalinity incorporates several geophysical factors, which are analyzed. Peculiarities of a thermal regime in the hypersaline lakes contribute their polyextreme features. Thermophysical properties of water solution change with salinity variability; the regularities of these changes are described. Oxygen content is a very important abiotic parameter influencing the biotic composition and all biological processes in aquatic environments; its solubility in water usually decreases by the addition of salts. Under increasing salinity, humidity equilibrium (the relative pressure of saturated water vapor) decreases. One of the specific features of hypersaline lakes is the high daily variability of abiotic factors that adds extreme conditions for dwellers of such habitats. All above show that hypersaline waters are unique habitats and polyextreme for life
Сведения о финансировании, указанные в публикации
* авторский печатный лист равен 40 000 печатных знаков (включая знаки препинания, цифры и пробелы между словами).

Запись создана: 24-07-2020 07:36
Последнее изменение: 24-07-2020 07:42

Библиографическая ссылка:
Shadrin N. V. Hypersaline lakes as the Polyextreme habitats for life // Introduction to Salt Lake Sciences / Eds: M. Zheng, T. Deng, A. Oren. Beijin, China : Science Press, 2018. Pt. 4. P. 180-187.
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