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Дата внесения публикации в базу 20-07-2020 13:08 не попадает в период стимулирования 01-06-2023 – 31-05-2024
Количество соавторов публикации - 3
Публикации в изданиях, индексируемых в Web of Science Core Collection: Q3, K=5
  • Полякова Т. А.: количество аффилиаций - 1, вклад в КБПР публикации:
    формула: K/(Nсоавторов*Nаффил) = 5/(3*1) = 1.667
Статья в периодическом издании

The brain structure of selected trypanorhynch tapeworms

WoS 1.563/Q3 SCOPUS 0.681/Q1
DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/jmor.21145
Язык Английский
Журнал Journal of Morphology

ISSN: 0362-2525; Онлайн ISSN: 1097-4687
Год 2020
Выходные данные Том: 281, Выпуск: 8, Страницы: 893-913
  1. Biserova N. M.
    Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (ru)
  2. Korneva J. V.
    IBIW RAS, Borok, Russia (ru)
  3. Полякова Т. А. (Polyakova T. A.)
Даты Поступила в редакцию: 30.11.2019
После доработки 31.03.2020
Принята к публикации: 02.05.2020
Опубликована онлайн: 30.06.2020
Абстракт The brain architecture in four species of tapeworms from the order Trypanorhyncha has been studied. In all species, the brain consists of paired anterior and lateral lobes, and an unpaired central lobe. The anterior lobes connect by dorsal and ventral semicircular commissures; the central and lateral lobes connect by a median and an X‐shaped crisscross commissure. In the center of the brain, five well‐developed compact neuropils are present. The brain occupies a medial position in the scolex pars bothriali s. The ventral excretory vessels are situated outside the lateral lobes of the brain; the dorsal excretory vessels are located inside the brain and dorsal to the median commissure. The brain gives rize four anterior proboscis nerves and four posterior bulbar nerves with myelinated giant axons (GAs). The cell bodies of the GAs are located within the X‐commissure and in the bulbar nerves. Highly developed serotonergic neuropils are present in the anterior and lateral lobes; numerous 5‐HT neurons are found in the brain lobes including the central unpaired lobe. The X‐cross commissure consists of the α‐tub‐immunoreactive and 5‐HT‐IR neurites. Eight ultrastructural types of neurons were found in the brain of the three species investigated. In addition, different types of synapses were present in the neuropils. Glial cells ensheath the brain lobes, the neuropils, the GAs, and the bulbar nerves. Glia cell processes form complex branching patterns of thin cytoplasmic sheets sandwiched between adjacent neural processes and filling the space between neurons. Multilayer myelin‐like envelopes and a mesaxon‐like structure have been found in Trypanorhyncha nervous system. We compared the brain architecture of Trypanorhyncha with that of an early basal cestode taxon, that is, Diphyllobothriidea, and present a hypothesis about the homology of the anterior brain lobes in order Trypanorhyncha; and the lateral lobes and median commissure are homologous brain structures within Eucestoda.
Ключевые слова: α-tubuline, giant axons, glia, neuron, neuropils, serotonin
Сведения о финансировании, указанные в публикации
URL https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jmor.21145
Дополнительные сведения

Запись создана: 20-07-2020 13:08
Последнее изменение: 20-07-2020 13:14

Страница журнала в E-library
Библиографическая ссылка:
Biserova N. M., Korneva J. V., Polyakova T. A. The brain structure of selected trypanorhynch tapeworms // Journal of Morphology. 2020. Vol. 281, iss. 8. P. 893-913. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmor.21145
[WoS 1.563/Q3][SCOPUS 0.681/Q1]
Экспертное заключение: № 82, 2020
Индексация на момент включения в базу:
Web of Science
1.563/Q3 (2019)
0.681/Q1 (2019)

В публикации указано госзадание:

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